idea, director and choreography
music by
artistic support
light -designer
on stage

Keity Pook
Lee Taul, Kenn-Eerik Kannike
Lauri Mäesepp, Marko Odar
Oliver Kulpsoo
Keity Pook, Lauri Mäesepp
Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava | Tartu Uus Theatre |
Rakvere Theatre | University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy Black Box | Estonia 2017
Synapse is a visual installation piece. A symbiosis between live sound and moving body and light, exploring the phenomena of touch, while zooming into processes, which are taking place in the human body. It is a journey to our microcosmos. Carefully chosen materials form an installation, which constructions refers to the nervous system and manipulation with its structure reveals neurology processes. The climax of this piece, the creation of synapse, is the formation of a mechanical and electrically conductive link, a bond between two neurons.

Inverted side of the installation is shown in a blackout, creating shadows by using one flashlight. Darkness and shadow have crucial importance of this piece to expand the dimension, give a subversive perspective and create the surreal space of otherworldliness. Flickering images seemingly describing experienced memories.